Searching For Health And Healing Through Food

my journey towards a more healthy existence

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More Eating, More Observing

Today, I am feeling pretty darn unwell. I have been nauseated 80% of today, my eyes are overly sensitive to light and now, I have a headache that just won’t quit. I don’t want to take any pain meds in order to monitor the best that I can, how my body is doing and what it is telling me. I know that going gluten and dairy free can cause withdrawal symptoms, but those listed do not seem to be the symptoms I am experiencing.

A friend of mine who cut out wheat said that she experienced headaches and felt very, VERY thirsty. This sounds like what I am experiencing! Perhaps I don’t have as serious of a gluten or dairy issue as I thought, because if I did, then I would probably have the symptoms listed at the link above.

However, I do know that dairy and wheat both create adverse reactions within my body that I would really like to avoid! Wheat/Gluten makes my sinuses run and I get rather bloated–so much so that my wedding ring doesn’t fit! Dairy, especially milk and ice cream, creates a great amount of gurgling in my gut and then has me running to the bathroom multiple times several hours later.

A wise woman told me that I can expect to feel worse before I feel better. I guess this is what she meant. I pray it doesn’t last too long, but this is still not as bad as the alternative of staying where I was and how I was. God willing, I will persevere in this search for health and healing!


Tuesday, March 12, 2013


SKIN: redness same as yesterday, shows no improvement; itchy sensation remains; raised patches of dry skin remain.

GUT: slight rumblings; generally normal feeling!

OTHER: Muscles feeling sore/stiff; Pain in shoulder right shoulder runs up through to neck at times (this has been present since Saturday and it just occurred to me that I might want to include these details.)

FOOD: my own sauerkraut creation with apples, turkey sausage, cooking sherry, apple juice (100% juice) & sucanat (dehydrated cane juice, a.k.a. brown sugar); my own potato chowder concoction (potatoes, corn, leeks, onions, red pepper, marjoram, garlic); blue corn chips; raisins; sushi from Kroger (Chef’s special); salad from Chipotle (with black beans, green salsa, tomato salsa, chicken & guacamole); 1 small gluten-free brownie (had dairy & eggs)


Wednesday, March 13, 2013


SKIN: redness same as yesterday, shows no improvement; itchy sensation remains; raised patches of dry skin remain.

GUT: slight rumblings; small bathroom issue (just 1); feel nauseated

OTHER: Feel very thirsty all the time (only drank water all day & tried to drink lots of it); Eyes very sensitive to light; have not been sleeping well; exhausted; woke nauseated…I may be getting sick…

FOOD: BBQ Chicken Chunks (leftovers my dear partner left in the fridge, hope he’s not mad!); Salad (with different types of lettuces, plus mushrooms, carrots, cucumbers, sunflower seeds, pickled beets; three-bean salad; Chicken Stir-Fry with rice & spicy-sweet sauce (probably has sugar in it, but I’m not totally sure);