Searching For Health And Healing Through Food

my journey towards a more healthy existence

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A High-Risk Pregnancy?

During my routine prenatal session with my midwife, I discovered that simply because of my height and weight, I will be labeled a “high-risk pregnancy.” At the time, I was not a bit phased by this. I know that the BMI charts were created by insurance companies who are experts on health and would know what a healthy weight and height combination is, of course (sarcasm). My midwife wasn’t the least bit concerned because I told her what my diet looks like and my recent weight loss (roughly 50lbs over the past 2 years). My reply was simply, “Well that means insurance will pay for more tests, right?” and then I laughed. I was genuinely not phased because I know that the BMI charts are a result of a bunch of fat-prejudiced white guys who decided that skinny is better. Whatever. I’m long since over it.

But then…

I called to make an ultrasound appointment and ended up nearly in tears.

To make a long story short, the woman trying to help me schedule my ultrasound heard the words “high-risk pregnancy” and referred me to the only place that does high-risk pregnancy ultrasounds, which severely limited my ability to schedule an ultrasound at a reasonable time and place. Now granted, this was a miscommunication because I have never made an appointment like this on my own and I wasn’t sure how the heck to read the order that had been printed. Also, the woman was asking for information that wasn’t labeled the way she was asking for it. So, I do not blame her for trying to be helpful with the information she had been able to gather from me.

The problem here is that this “high-risk” label caused unnecessary strife for me and my midwife and every other person I subsequently called, nearly crying. (I was frustrated and just wanted to see my baby and do as my midwife needed me to do.)

You see, I spent the next hour and a half trying to get ahold of my midwife and trying to figure out if there really was only one location that I could get an ultrasound done. I got ahold of her, thank goodness. She was lovely and patient and straight up said the information I had gleaned was wrong. (Yay!)

I finally got ahold of the right place and the right person and left out the “high-risk” label while scheduling the ultrasound (for fear that I would get transferred to the wrong place, again) and I got my ultrasound scheduled! It’s today, by the way. 🙂

So, all this to say…LABELS SUCK.

It literally says on my chart: “Obesity complicating pregnancy”

Um, seriously? I’m obese? Since when is a size 12 obese?? Granted I’m not a size 12 through the middle right now, but I’m making a friggin’ person in there so I get a pass.

Here’s a pic of pre-preggers me if you’re looking for a reference point.


The high-risk label really did come as a surprise to me. I figured if the midwife talked to me about my diet and whatnot, she could take the label off. Not the case, it seems. It is discouraging to have made so many changes, to have seen so many changes, but then for it to come to naught, in a sense, when it comes to medical professionals.

Frankly, you can take your high-risk, obese labels and shove them where the sun doesn’t shine. Because I don’t fit those labels. And I’m sure there are plenty more Moms-to-be that are in the same boat as me.

But I don’t need to prove anything to anyone. I eat highly nutritious foods—lots of fruits and veggies. I feel better than I have since High School. I have healed and am still on a healing path—spiritually, mentally and physically.

I’ll just need to be my own advocate and go into medical environments remembering how far I have come and how much happier my body is these days.

Eat well. Keep moving. Let your body do what it’s going to do and be the shape it’s comfortable being. I’m not about to force myself to try and fit an across-the-board, generic label that doesn’t allow for difference and diversity. Difference and diversity are what make up this world. And it is wonderfully and beautifully made.


Juice Detox – Results Summary

So, the juice detox was pretty darn interesting! We made it 7 days rather than the full 10, but I really think it still did us a WHOLE LOT of good and helped us become more familiar with plant based eating and the joy of simple recipes!

The first five days we had one juice a day, sometimes two, but we also at really big, tasty salads, smoothies and delightful cooked recipes like veggie soup and sweet potato & carrot “fries”.


The juicing, which started on day 6 (which was Easter & boy was that hard!), was the really difficult part. The eating lots of delicious fruits and veggies part was easy during the first five days. Once day 6 hit, I started rebelling. Day 6 and 7 consisted of only juice and coconut water. A whole lot of it in order to get plenty of calories and not starve one’s self, but still, just liquids hit a sore spot for me emotionally.

I caved at the end of day 7 by having cucumbers with humus. I picked that because I’d been craving humus since the start of the detox! All those fresh veggies and no humus? Seemed insane to me! HA!

I think my partner was as relived as I was to be off the detox, though he didn’t show it. 🙂 He’s a lot stronger than I am when it comes to food. I’m not convinced that he has the pleasure-seeking attachment to it that I do.

One really awesome thing came from this detox, though! It was super easy, once it was over, to stay away from meat and other animal products! I am now an ovo vegetarian! I eat plant-based except for eggs, which I am keeping in my diet, at least for now. I have yet to determine if it is a problem food for me or not. I am hoping not because I’m not convinced I can give up deviled eggs forever!

After the detox, my body has been craving different foods, though my emotions/pleasure seeking brain is craving the same foods! This is the recipe I’ve been turning to when I want something that will make my tummy happy, my skin happy AND my brain happy!


Multi-Layer Mexican Dip

1/2 can refried black beans, seasoned to taste

1/4 container Tofutti (or Firm or Silken tofu, blended in blender with 2 Tbsp Sriracha sauce (red pepper would probably work, too, but use less!) & 2 Tbsp raw honey — You might also need some red wine vinegar or white rice vinegar)

1/4 container salsa of choice (I used Firestone Peace & Mango Salsa that Kroger carries. It’s got a sweetness to it, so if you’re not into sweet salsas, use something else!)

1 green onion/scallion, chopped

1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped

First, I open the can of beans and I warm them up in the microwave or stove. I season them to taste with sea salt, pepper, red pepper and other spices. You could also use a pre-packaged Taco Seasoning blend from the store, but be sure to put in part of the package and taste as you go! Otherwise it will be over-seasoned!

If you were unable to find Tofutti at your local grocery store, hopefully you could find some tofu! Break the tofu into pieces and plop it in your blender. Add 1-2 Tbsp Sriracha sauce (Red Pepper would probably work, too. Start with 2 tsp and taste as you go!) and 2 Tbsp raw honey. I used raw, but if you have regular, that’s just fine! If it’s not blending well, you can add 1-2 Tbsp red wine vinegar or white rice vinegar. I started by adding small amounts of these flavorings and tasting as I went until the tofu went from tasting like chalk to tasting spicy-sweet! Oh, and, again, if you don’t like sweet, just use the vinegar and sriracha/red pepper.

Get a big, flat-ish plate or serving dish and spread the beans out in a 1/2 inch or so layer. (Thinner if you prefer, thicker if you prefer!)Then, spread on the Tofutti or homemade Tofu spread. The next layer is the salsa, although sometimes I put it on top, depends on how I’m feeling. Spread the salsa on as thick as you’d like it, though I do just enough to cover the tofu layer. Then, sprinkle the chopped ingredients on top. Ta-da!

I eat these with blue corn chips, which seem to be free of bad reactions for me, yay! But you can eat them with whatever chips you like! I serve this when I have friends coming over last minute or as a dinner appetizer. It is usually DEVOURED before anyone asks what’s in it! 🙂

This mulit-layer dip is HIGHLY customizable! Sometimes instead of salsa, I go more raw with chopped tomatoes and sweet peppers! One time I did red and yellow tomatoes and it was beautiful and delicious!

I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do! If you do a different variation, please comment and share what you did differently!

Happy eating!