Searching For Health And Healing Through Food

my journey towards a more healthy existence

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To My 13 Year Old Self

When we look in the mirror, what do we see? When I was 13, I did not really look in the mirror and see myself. I saw flaws, but that was about it. I think now, when I look in the mirror, I see more accurately what other people see when they see me (at least the ones who like me, that is). And I think my mental and emotional well-being are much better because of this. So, I wondered, what I would tell my 13 year old self, if I could?


First of all, it gets better. It really does. One day, you will look in the mirror and you will like what you see. Heck, you will LOVE what you see!

And it’s not because you lost weight. In fact, you’ll have gained weight.

And it’s not because somebody else loves you. Though lots of people do love you, that was true for 13 year old self as well as 30 year old self. You will love what you see because you’ll finally know that you are not only huggable, but you are lovable.

You are capable of being a light in this world. You are able to create things, to change things, to make a difference and an impact in this world. You are capable of much more than you can imagine.

Things do not get better because they get easier. No, things actually get a lot more painful, but you will remember to laugh and it will get you through.

You will learn to pray in the midst of suffering.

You will find peace in the midst of chaos.

And things will be better.

You will be wiser and better equipped to deal with life and run the race, despite the fog–despite not knowing where your next step might land you.

One day, you will emit a glow, a warm light of comfort and peace and love and people will want to be near you. Heck, YOU will want to be near you! You will be your own favorite companion. You will look in the mirror and smile just to say hello and encourage yourself.

One day, it will be better. One day, you will remember your 13 year old self and you will be glad. Because you made it here together. And really, 13 wasn’t that bad anyway.